There Is No Difference Between Brick And Mortar And Electronic.
Rien ne remplace une expérience client positive lors de la construction d'une marque. Votre objectif doit toujours être de satisfaire vos clients. Après tout, un client satisfait est un client heureux. Les clients satisfaits sont plus susceptibles de devenir des clients fidèles. De plus, un client satisfait est beaucoup plus susceptible d'être disposé à vous laisser un avis positif ou à vous recommander à ses amis et à sa famille. Vous ne pouvez jamais acheter ce type de publicité ou de bonne volonté. De nombreuses marques personnelles à succès ont été fondées sur la philosophie selon laquelle la satisfaction du client passe avant tout.
Dans le même temps, gardez à l'esprit qu'un client insatisfait peut avoir exactement l'effet inverse sur votre entreprise qu'un client satisfait. Un client mécontent peut causer des dommages incalculables à votre marque et à sa réputation. Ils ne vous donneront presque certainement jamais leurs clients réguliers. Pire encore, ils ne vous recommanderont pas à d'autres personnes. En fait, ils peuvent même faire tout leur possible pour informer les autres de leur expérience négative.

Now, as Abe Lincoln said, we all know that you can't please all of the people all of
time. Sometimes, a customer will not be satisfied no matter what you do. Should
this occur, you just chalk it up to experience. Also, this customer is so rare, that
they really can't do a great deal of damage to your brand or business. However, if
the reason that your customer had a bad experience was preventable on your
part, then you deserve the hit your brand takes. This is especially true if you knew
a bad experience was possible, but failed to take steps to stop it from happening.
One of the primary ways to prevent a negative customer experience is to treat
your online business as if it were on offline, brick and mortar, store. In theory,
there should be no difference, from the customer's point of view between the
two, except of course that an online business has no physical presence. In
practice, however, this is not always the case. Some people treat their online
business as if the real world of customer satisfaction cannot affect them. They
seem to believe that, because their brand exists online, the rules of common
sense, and courtesy do not apply. Nothing could be further from the truth. An
online brand is no different than an offline brand. There is not difference between
a brick and mortar business and an electronic business when it comes to customer
service. Remembering this can give your brand a leg up over your competition.