573 Rue Sylvani, Opposite Maison du Bois, Akwa-Douala, Cameroon, BP:7204
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A lot of information that you come across online really focuses on how to grow and market your online business using the internet. What is not covered as often is how to use the internet, and other resources, to grow your small offline business. This article will give you some great tips for how to do exactly this...

A lot of information that you come across online really focuses on how to grow and market your online business using the internet. What is not covered as often is how to use the internet, and other resources, to grow your small offline business. This article will give you some great tips for how to do exactly this.

Using the internet to promote your business may require a small shift in your mindset. Instead of thinking that the internet has a worldwide reach, which of course it does. You want to think of it as a way to get your products or services in front of your local community. Can you imagine what it would be like to have your messages directed at your local area? Think of the potential new business this could bring you.

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The Power of Social Media

One thing that all offline business owners should have is a social media account. You may want to have a Facebook page for your business, or a Google+ page, a Twitter account and possibly a LinkedIn account.

If you are not sure which one would be appropriate take a look at some similar businesses have and follow suit. A Facebook profile is a great place to start and once created you can highlight various aspects of your business.

If you are not sure which one would be appropriate take a look at some similar businesses have and follow suit. A Facebook profile is a great place to start and once created you can highlight various aspects of your business. Other ways to use the internet to help get more exposure for your business is to join a local online directory. This is a better option than the traditional Yellow Pages ads that you may be used to. People look online first when they are searching for local products and services, so it is important to have your company listed.

Google Places is another way to get exposure for your business. You can set this up along with your Google+ account. There are certain guidelines you must follow to set up your Google Places listing. Check out the following link for more details.