573 Rue Sylvani, Opposite Maison du Bois, Akwa-Douala, Cameroon, BP:7204
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Perception  is  everything.  As  human  beings,  it's  how  we  understand  the  world.  We   perceive  what  our  senses  tell  us.  We  learn  from  these  perceptions.  We  also  learn   from  experience.  Positive  experiences  cause  positive  reinforcement.  This  means   that  when  something  pleases  us,  we  desire  to  experience  this  pleasure  again.   Obversely,  negative  experiences  cause  negative  reinforcement.  This  means  that   when  something  hurts  us,  we  avoid  that  experience  in  the  future  as  a  way  of   avoiding  the  pain...

Perception  is  everything.  As  human  beings,  it's  how  we  understand  the  world.  We   perceive  what  our  senses  tell  us.  We  learn  from  these  perceptions.  We  also  learn   from  experience.  Positive  experiences  cause  positive  reinforcement.  This  means   that  when  something  pleases  us,  we  desire  to  experience  this  pleasure  again.   Obversely,  negative  experiences  cause  negative  reinforcement.  This  means  that   when  something  hurts  us,  we  avoid  that  experience  in  the  future  as  a  way  of   avoiding  the  pain.  Over  time,  perception  and  experience  allow  us  to  form   opinions.  Opinion  is  simply  a  shorthand  way  to  get  back  to  a  pleasurable   experience,  or  others  that  may  be  similar,  and  to  steer  clear  of  a  painful   experience,  or  one  that  may  be  related.  We  are  hardwired  to  operate  this  way.  In   a  way,  perception,  experience  and  opinion  are  the  human  equivalent  of  instinct  in   animals.  These  traits,  when  combined,  allow  us  to  maximize  positive  things  and   minimize  negative  things.  Anyone  who  has  branded  themselves  or  their  business   would  be  wise  to  understand  this  concept.

  Your  brand  has  one  reputation  and  one  alone.  It's  the  only  reputation  your  brand   will  ever  have.  While  a  part  of  this  reputation  is  in  your  control,  another,  larger   part  is  in  the  control  of  everyone  else.  You  see,  the  reputation  of  your  brand   depends  greatly  on  how  that  brand  is  perceived  by  others.  You  can  attempt  to   influence  this  perception  by  providing  positive  experiences  to  your  customers   which,  in  turn,  leads  to  a  positive  opinion  of  your  business.  You  can  also  provide   negative  experiences  to  your  customers  which,  in  turn,  leads  to  a  negative  opinion   of  your  business.  What  type  of  experience  your  customers  have  directly  affects   the  reputation  of  your  brand  in  the  marketplace.  If  your  brand  develops  a  positive   opinion  in  the  minds  of  your  audience,  then  it  will  thrive.  On  the  other  hand,  if   your  brand  get  a  negative  opinion  in  the  minds  of  this  audience,  you  may  soon  be   out  of  business.

  One  of  the  best,  and  easiest  ways,  to  positively  influence  the  opinion  your   customers  have  of  your  brand  is  through  the  use  quality  content.  Content  is  any   information  you  provide  to  your  audience  that  helps  make  their  buying  choice   easier  or  more  informed.  It  may  also  be  information  that  is  about  the  general   market  niche  your  brand  resides  in.  No  matter  the  information,  or  the  form  it   takes,  quality  content  allows  your  audience  to  perceive  your  brand  positively.  This   leads  to  good  opinion  and  a  better  bottom  line  for  you.