573 Rue Sylvani, Opposite Maison du Bois, Akwa-Douala, Cameroon, BP:7204
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If you run a brick and mortar store you may find that you run out of ideas when it comes to promoting your business. Some of the more traditional methods are either too expensive or just not effective any more. This article will give you some easy and affordable tips for promoting your offline business...
How to promote your business

If you run a brick and mortar store you may find that you run out of ideas when it comes to promoting your business. Some of the more traditional methods are either too expensive or just not effective any more. This article will give you some easy and affordable tips for promoting your offline business.

Business Cards - at one time having business cards printed was really expensive. These days you can print your cards off using a service such as Vista print. Or you can design and print your own cards directly from your computer.

Flyers - these can be an affordable way to promote your business. You can create your own flyers and print them off. Plus you can post your flyers at many other places in your local area. You can post them on bulletin boards, hand them out to your own customers and suggest they pass it on to their neighbours or friends. You might be able to leave them at other local businesses and even at your local Chamber of Commerce.

Fundraisers - you can offer to help raise funds for one of your local schools, churches or charities. Or you can offer to help out by donating goods, services or a product. As you raise awareness you simply add your business logo to your marketing materials. If you offered a prize for the local bake fair, you could add your business card into the prize pack.

Street Sale - have a street sale for your business by displaying products outside on a table. This is a great way to get people to just stop and look at what you are offering. You could even have some free samples to give away, after all who doesn't love free stuff!

Craft Shows - depending upon your business you could set up a booth at a craft show and highlight your products. This also works well for trade shows. Both methods give you the opportunity to showcase your business, your products and your knowledge.

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Word of Mouth - don't be afraid of talking about your business when you get the chance. If you show enthusiasm for your business the people you are talking too will be motivated to come and take a look at what you have to offer. Tell your friends and family about your business and they will do the same. This can snowball into an influx of new customers on a regular basis.

Always be Promoting - no matter where you go always have some type of advertising material on you. This might include taking extra business cards with you or even having flyers that you can hand out.